Captain's Log
Captain's Log
The importance of journaling...
The Captain's Log is the single most critical book for safe traveling for the vessel and it's crew, after the maps & charts, the Captain's log takes is a must do daily entry for the Captain. The Captain's log documents the emotional state of the crew, weather and damages to the vessel, emotional state of the himself, including his fears as well sightings and meeting native islanders. It is the first - original authentic Journal.
On this journey you are Captain, Vessel and Crew. In order to safely and effectively reach your destination you must preform the duties of a Captain with daily entries - on your emotional state, damages to your vessel including meeting native islanders and how those experiences affect you. Along your journey you may lose crew members, like Odysseus who had to lose parts of himself to reach his Ithaca. You too may release parts of your story, your fears, your beliefs to the sea necessary to reach your Ithaca but what is most important is maintain the discipline of a Captain to keep his vessel and crew on track.